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The use of finger covers

publish:2024-04-24 16:12:39   views :130
publish:2024-04-24 16:12:39  

Release date: December 6, 2021 Author: Click:

Finger cots are small tubular material sheaths designed to firmly cover the lower part of the fingers. Usually, they cover the first joint and terminate between the first and second joints. They can be made from various materials and are useful in medicine, industry, and many other situations and applications.

The work finger set is made of latex or vinyl. Most varieties of designs can be tightly fixed to the fingers and secured in place through thicker material straps located at the bottom of the finger covers. Some stronger versions used for non-medical purposes are made of heavy-duty rubber and can be reused.

In medical practice, finger beds are most commonly used to prevent infections. Although they may not provide the same level of protection as full-size medical gloves, they are sufficient for situations that require minimal contact with patients. For example, doctors may use a local disinfectant or other medication without direct contact with the injured person's body.

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